Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Earth Day

It's Earth day!

Something that I've seen that is very troubling during these times is the amount of trash on the ground. I know, where in a pandemic and everything is out of wack right now, but this doesn't mean we should throw our trash on the ground.

Here are some ways to be Pet Eco-friendly:

1. Scoop you dogs Poop! - Aside from being the right thing to do, scooping the poop helps eliminate toxins that can get into our water sources. And, now you can by bio-degradable pet waste bags!
2. Don't forget reusable bags! - we use them for our groceries, why not use them for your pet supplies as well. Right now most stores will still let you use reusable bags if you bag your own items. Keep one in your vehicle or purse for handy use.
3. Give old pet supplies away instead of throwing them away! - Give old leashes, collars, bowls and toys to the local animal shelter or anyone else who may need them.
4. Pick up trash on your walks: carry a trash bag or other means of carrying trash, use gloves and pick up trash on your walk. Tie the bag and put it in a proper waste recepticle

I've recently made some personal changes to be personally more eco-friendly:

1. Buy reusable "zip-loc" bags - Washable and durable, I love my reusable resealable bags for everything
2. Buy mesh produce bags - Again, washable! Look for ones that state they can be scanned thru for ease at check out
3. DON'T buy bottled water! - Try it for a month. Buy a good quality water pitcher with a replaceable filter. Use a good reusable water bottle and refill from your pitcher.
4. Recycle properly! - wash and dry recyclables and put them in a special recycling "garbage" bag. Throw away lids and break down boxes to conserve space and then place in a proper recycling bin. *Recycling on the placed on the ground or not in proper bags will just end up as trash!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Coping with Covid-19

By now, many of you are weeks or even months into a "Stay Home, Stay Safe" mandate.
For myself and my Wingman, We're on day #27. Some things have changed for us, but some have remained the same.

I am still working, but my job duties and hours have changed. I'm currently unable to teach lessons and share my love of horses and riding with my students. I miss them very much and I'm sure they miss me and the horses. I've been charged with riding a few lesson horses 3 days a week keeping them in shape. I still help out with scheduling and billing, but the requests are far fewer then before. Two days a week I am a groom, helping another trainer with grooming and saddling horses for her to ride. My hours went from about 30 per week down to about 12. I'm thankful I'm able to go to work and be around horses and have some semblance of routine.

This leads me into the theme of this blog, Routine. We all thrive on routine, including Fido. Everything has changed drastically, and it will be sometime before we return to what we once new as "normal". Whether your working from home, not working at all, or struggling to keep kids learning remotely, we need a routine. This new routine will be different, but the sooner we can find a routine, the less stress we will all feel, including Fido. Some tips to getting into a routine to help alleviate stress for everyone.
1. Wake up at the same time each day
2. Create a Schedule: work, house chores, dog walks and even down time
3. Find a hobby: meditate, read, craft, sew, write

Don't forget Fido in your routine:
1. Daily walks are great, but vary the route.
2. Prep for our departure: Remember that one day we'll be back to work, So don't forget to keep Fido comfortable with being alone. Many dogs will suffer from separation anxiety unless we prep them for our inevitable departure.
3. Training: We've all got extra time in our days, add training to your schedule to bond with your wingman

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Welcome to the new 
Top Gunner Pet Services

I've taken some time off recently to decide where to go with my dog training business. Originally "Top Gunner Academy Dog Training", we have now transitioned to "Top Gunner Pet Services". Instead of focusing solely on dog training, we have decided to focus on the services our customers where requesting most often. What are those you might ask?

Well, here's what we are most often asked to provide:
1. Dog sitting and wellness checks
2. Dog Walking
3. Dog Obedience training
4. Nutritional consult (dogs)
5. Horse care 
6. Horse riding lesson/consult

We'll dive into each of these services over the coming days, so check back daily for updates!
Also, look for Gunner's Guidance, and Weekday Wingman Adventures to start back up on our Facebook page topgunnerpetservices