Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Earth Day

It's Earth day!

Something that I've seen that is very troubling during these times is the amount of trash on the ground. I know, where in a pandemic and everything is out of wack right now, but this doesn't mean we should throw our trash on the ground.

Here are some ways to be Pet Eco-friendly:

1. Scoop you dogs Poop! - Aside from being the right thing to do, scooping the poop helps eliminate toxins that can get into our water sources. And, now you can by bio-degradable pet waste bags!
2. Don't forget reusable bags! - we use them for our groceries, why not use them for your pet supplies as well. Right now most stores will still let you use reusable bags if you bag your own items. Keep one in your vehicle or purse for handy use.
3. Give old pet supplies away instead of throwing them away! - Give old leashes, collars, bowls and toys to the local animal shelter or anyone else who may need them.
4. Pick up trash on your walks: carry a trash bag or other means of carrying trash, use gloves and pick up trash on your walk. Tie the bag and put it in a proper waste recepticle

I've recently made some personal changes to be personally more eco-friendly:

1. Buy reusable "zip-loc" bags - Washable and durable, I love my reusable resealable bags for everything
2. Buy mesh produce bags - Again, washable! Look for ones that state they can be scanned thru for ease at check out
3. DON'T buy bottled water! - Try it for a month. Buy a good quality water pitcher with a replaceable filter. Use a good reusable water bottle and refill from your pitcher.
4. Recycle properly! - wash and dry recyclables and put them in a special recycling "garbage" bag. Throw away lids and break down boxes to conserve space and then place in a proper recycling bin. *Recycling on the placed on the ground or not in proper bags will just end up as trash!

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